Freelance Writer Opportunities Could Be Eliminated Due To AI

Possibly writers, virtual assistants, and transcribers

Floyd Mori
2 min readMay 18, 2024
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Most writers are basically content creators.

Writers may be doing a number of different tasks to try and earn some extra money. They could be writing books, articles, and stories. They might be ghost writers and content creators who write for other people.

Most people who are writing on a regular basis are hoping to earn money from their writing. There are a number of ways to do that besides basic writing. They may be finding work as virtual assistants and transcribers.

They are using their computers to write pieces which they hope will generate some income and possibly provide substantial earnings.

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

Computers and AI work together to create.

With artificial intelligence (AI) becoming a huge part of the industry of writing, many writers are using it to their advantage.

Companies may also find that they do not need to pay freelance writers who may be providing them with content because they can use AI to their advantage. It may be…



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.